Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Welcome to the holiday period. Here are a few dates to help you through the month of December.

Dec 1st to 4th - LKS Book Fair

Dec 7th - City Hall Field Trip (Ms. Walker & Ms. Iafrate) Jr Hockey Tryouts @ Canlan Ice Sports 7/8 am

Dec 8th - Grade 1 -5 Christmas Concert @ 6:30pm

Dec 9th - Grade 6-8 Christmas Concert @ 7:00pm

Dec 10th - Author Visit Grade 3-8 In The Library

Dec 11th - Athletic Assembly @ 9:00am In The Gym, Grade Sixes To The Movies,Sr Boys Hockey Tryout @ Canlan Sports 7-8 am

Dec 14th - Jk/Sk Concert 6:00pm and Parent Council @7:00pm. Carol Singing @9:00am in The Gym(All Welcome) Hockey Tryout Jr @ Canlan Sports 7-8 am

Dec 16th - Middle School Dance 1-3pm

Dec 17th - Grade 8 Trip in the PM To The Play - What I Did Last Summer.
Sr Hockey Tryout @ Canlan Ice Sports 7/8 am

Dec 18th - Carolling @ 1:15pm in the Gym

Successful Parent-Teacher Interviews.

As parent teacher interviews are upon us, we encourage you to take this opportunity to find out about your child's progress. Below are some questions and tips that you may find useful for the interview. Interpreters are available. Please contact your child's teacher or indicate your requirements on the parent-teacher interview form.Great Questions to Ask- What skills does my child need to work on? - What activities can we do at home to strengthen those skills? - Does my child complete his/her work and assignments efficiently and conscientiously? - Is my child facing any struggles in class not related to her/his schoolwork? Interview Tips- Talk to your child about school before the interview. Ask how they think they are doing and how the teacher can help them meet their goals. - Get an idea of what the curriculum is like, the level your child is working at, and areas where they are struggling. - Make a list of what you want to know before you go into the interview. You can even prepare questions ahead of time if it will make you feel more at ease. Knowing what you want to know and writing it down ensures that you don't forget anything, and that you get the information you need. - Be open and honest. Feel free to add your own observations around your child's behaviour, strengths and weaknesses. - Find out what they're learning. Ask curriculum questions, find out what your child has learned and what is coming up in the term ahead. Know the skills your child will need to be successful in the term ahead (i.e. knowing how to multiply and divide fractions). - Ask about strengths and weaknesses and possible problems. Find out about problems before they happen. This information will allow students to get help before they fall behind. - Find out how often and how much homework is being assigned as it relates to the TDSB's Homework Policy. Also ask if your child is completing his/her homework regularly, how long the work assigned should take to complete and does the teacher check the homework regularly and provide feedback. The answers to these questions will help you better monitor your child's work habits. - Ask what you can do at home to help your child. Make a commitment to support your child's learning.

Cancellation of school Bus Service During Severe Weather.

Severe weather conditions may require the TDSB to cancel transportation or, in extreme conditions, close schools. The decision to close schools is made by the director of education. In the event transportation is cancelled or schools are closed, the local media will be informed before the beginning of the school day. Tune in to your radio and television news stations for the latest information.If weather conditions become extreme after students are in school, elementary students will remain in the school until they are picked up by a parent or parent designate.

Happy Holidays to all our Families ! If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 416 394 7890 ex 20011

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Here are a few important dates to help you get through the month of November. As always please check our website and the individual teacher blogs to the right of this page.

November 9th - Parent Council 7:00pm in the Library.

November 11th - Remembrance Day Assembly 11:00am in the Gym.

November 13th - PA Day (No School)

November 27th - Pizza Lunch and Sr Boys Volleyball @ LKS all day.

November 25th - Sr Girls Volleyball @ LKS all Day.

November 30th - Report Cards go Home.

Here is some extra information you may find useful.

Successful Parent-Teacher Interviews As parent teacher interviews are upon us, we encourage you to take this opportunity to find out about your child’s progress. Report cards will be sent home November 30th. Below are some questions and tips that you may find useful for the interview. Interpreters are available. Please contact your child’s teacher or indicate your requirements on the parent-teacher interview form.Great Questions to Ask• What skills does my child need to work on? • What activities can we do at home to strengthen those skills? • Does my child complete his/her work and assignments efficiently and conscientiously? • Is my child facing any struggles in class not related to her/his schoolwork? Interview Tips• Talk to your child about school before the interview. Ask how they think they are doing and how the teacher can help them meet their goals. • Get an idea of what the curriculum is like, the level your child is working at, and areas where they are struggling. • Make a list of what you want to know before you go into the interview. You can even prepare questions ahead of time if it will make you feel more at ease. Knowing what you want to know and writing it down ensures that you don’t forget anything, and that you get the information you need. • Be open and honest. Feel free to add your own observations around your child’s behaviour, strengths and weaknesses. • Find out what they’re learning. Ask curriculum questions, find out what your child has learned and what is coming up in the term ahead. Know the skills your child will need to be successful in the term ahead (i.e. knowing how to multiply and divide fractions). • Ask about strengths and weaknesses and possible problems. Find out about problems before they happen. This information will allow students to get help before they fall behind. • Find out how often and how much homework is being assigned as it relates to the TDSB's Homework Policy. Also ask if your child is completing his/her homework regularly, how long the work assigned should take to complete and does the teacher check the homework regularly and provide feedback. The answers to these questions will help you better monitor your child’s work habits. • Ask what you can do at home to help your child. Make a commitment to support your child’s learning.

Street proofing Tips The safety of your child is an important priority. Remember to keep your school staff up to date with your current address, phone number, childcare arrangements, to whom your child may be released, etc. We also need you to let us know about any changes of routine and to sign your child in if they are arriving late or leaving early for any reason. The Toronto Police street proofing program encourages you to teach your child:1. his/her name, address, phone number 2. to Dial 9-1-1 in an emergency 3. to communicate with you when they feel unsafe or afraid 4. to keep you informed as to his/her whereabouts at all times 5. never to admit to being alone in the home when answering the telephone 6. never to invite strangers into the house or answer the door when alone 7. never to approach or enter a stranger's car or hitchhike 8. never to travel or play alone -- always be with friends to trust their feelings and say "NO" to an adult if that adult wants them to do something that is wrong 9. not to accept gifts from strangers 10. to tell you if someone has asked them to keep a secret from you 11. that no one has the right to touch any part of his/ her body that a bathing suit would cover 12. that if he/she is being followed, or approached too closely, to run home or go to the nearest public place and yell for help 13. to report to your school authorities or a police officer, anyone who act suspiciously towards him/her 14. never to play in deserted buildings or isolated areas 15. never to enter any one's home without your permission 16. to avoid taking shortcuts through parks and fields 17. never to show his/her money and if attacked to give it up rather than risk injury. 18. that a police officer is a friend who can always be relied upon when he/she is lost or needs assistance. Together, we can keep our school and community a safe environment for our children.

Making the Best of Winter Weather at our School Principals are often asked how we decide whether it's too cold to allow our students out in the schoolyard for recess. Fresh air and exercise are important for children. It keeps them physically fit, and helps them stay alert all through the school day. Parents can help by making sure their children come to school prepared to spend time outdoors. Hats, mitts, boots and a warm jacket are important to keep students comfortable during lunch and recess.But extreme cold can be dangerous, and parents want to know that their children will be safe. When the temperature is predicted to drop below -15C, the City of Toronto may declare a cold weather alert. Schools are very sensitive to the needs of our students and pay close attention to the weather, especially when the windchill is below -20 C.The TDSB Severe Weather Protocol is flexible, so that every principal can make a decision that meets the needs of his or her school. It sets guidelines for when to allow students outside for recess, when to make outdoor breaks shorter, and when to keep students inside altogether. Canadian winters can be wonderful but when the weather is cold, school staff keep one eye on the thermometer and the other on the needs of our students - a perfect balance of fun and safety. Find out more at www.tdsb.on.ca/communications/severeweather.htm

Once again if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to give me a call 416 - 394 -7890 ex 20011.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Here are a few important dates to help you get through the month of October.

Oct 1st - Terry Fox Walk - Meet in the gym @ 1:oopm

Oct 2nd - Grade 8s on field trip - And Sr girls Softball

Oct 6th - X country meet(@ Centennial Pk) and grade 8 parent night in the Library(7:00pm)

Oct 7th -9th - Grade 7s on there Outdoor Education Trip and Jr boys football tournament @ John English

Oct 12th - Happy Thanksgiving to all our families ( No School)

Oct 13th - Cross country Meet@ Centennial park

Oct 19th - Parent Council meeting @ 7:00pm in the Library

Oct 21st - Author Visit (Eric Walters) in the library all day (Grade 2-8)

Oct 22nd - Cross Country Finals @ Centennial Park

Oct 26th - School photo orders due back

Oct 27th - Sharing Assemblies (see your specific teacher for time & location)

Oct 28th - Grade 8 High School Night

Oct 30th - Halloween Parade @ 9:00am

Here is a little more Information that you may find useful.

If you have any used books (JK - Grade 8) or winter clothing that you're clearing from your home, please consider donating them -- the LKS Literacy and Community Outreach Committees are collecting them for our sister school, 20th Street (some books will go to LKS). Used books and clothing may be dropped off in collection bags / bins by the south-west stairs until November 6th.

Many thanks!

Best regards, Lisa Li ( LKS Parent)

Visit the school web site for contest information about Bob our Crossing Guard(see notices)

Hallowe'en Safety Tips.

Hallowe'en provides an opportunity for parents and children to spend time together creating costumes, carving pumpkins, planning trick or treat activities and participating in family parties. Hallowe'en is a big event at schools and provides opportunities for parties, creative activities, art programs and impromptu history lessons. Hallowe'en is also a time for students, parents, and schools to take extra care to ensure safety and security. TRICK OR TREAT SAFETY If parents are concerned about trick or treating, here are some basic safety rules to follow:· Have your child carry a flashlight. · NEVER go into a stranger's house.· NEVER trick or treat with people you do not know.· Trick or treat only at homes you know. · Children should always stay in groups if no parent is present.· Younger children should ALWAYS be accompanied by an older person.· Accompany your child when trick or treating.· If you can not accompany your child then know the route your child will take.· Flame resistant (retardant) costumes are in order. Keep costumes short and remind children to stay away from pumpkins with candles in them. · Remind children to stay away from pets they do not know. · Remind children of road safety rules. Cross only at corners. Do not criss-cross the road. Go up one side of the road and down the other side. Never cross between parked cars. Walk facing on-coming traffic if there is no sidewalk· If adults are driving their children, drive slowly, with lights on and be cautious when pulling to the side of the road. · Children should NEVER eat any treats until parents have had a chance to go through them and inspect them. Parents should look for tampering of packages and discard any they believe to be unsafe. · Children should wear their own shoes when trick or treating. Wearing costume shoes/boots can be dangerous and uncomfortable. · Remind children that not everyone celebrates Hallowe'en, and to avoid any homes that have no lights on. Also remind children not to run through neighbours yards or gardens. · With older children be sure to know what other events (such as parties) they plan on attending.· Set time limits when children should return home.

Stay Fire Smart! Don't Get Burned.

October 4 to 10 is Fire Prevention Week. In 2008, 17 people were killed in Toronto Fires. Cooking fires is the number one cause of home fires and home fire injuries. Other leading causes of home fires are heating, electrical, and smoking materials. Children under five years and older adults face the highest risk of home fire death, but young adults face a higher risk of home fire injury. Fire safety education begins in the home and this year's theme emphasizes that message. Parents are encouraged to discuss the importance of fire prevention in the home with children. Students in Toronto elementary schools will be learning about home fire escape planning. Throughout the month of October, students will take their plan home and are encouraged to practice it with their families. Toronto Fire Services will be stepping up their ongoing Fire Prevention & Public Education activities. On Sunday, October 4, visit the Open House event at the Toronto Fire & EMS Training Centre, 895 Eastern Avenue, from 10 am to 4 pm. Families are welcome to join in the mini combat challenge event for children, junior firefighter photos, view fire safety videos, live firefighting demonstrations, fire truck display, bouncing inflatable fire truck, enjoy BBQ, and much more! All members of the public are invited to attend the week long schedule of outdoor educational events: - Tuesday, October 6th North Command Training Centre at 200 Bermondsey Road- Wednesday October 7thEast Command Training Centre at 243 Sheppard Avenue East- Thursday October 8thWest Command Training Centre at 947 Martingrove Road For more information, call Toronto Fire Services at 416-338-9185 or visit Toronto.ca/fire/prevention.Printed with permission from Toronto Fire Services.

Once again if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to give me a call
416 - 394 -7890 ex 20011.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Welcome Back

I hope you all had a great summer. Here are a few dates to help get you through the first few weeks of school.

Sept 8th - First Day Of School(8:55am Start)

Sept 14th - Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00am

Sept 17th - Curriculum Night ( See your Teacher for Specific Location and Time)

Sept 21st - Parent council 7:00pm in the library

Sept 29th - School Photo Day and HepB + Meningitis Shots for Grade7 and HPV for grade 8 girls

Sept 30th - School Photo Day ( your teacher will have a Schedule)

Please Note - Please check out our School Web Site or Teacher Blogs for the
most updated information http://schools.tdsb.on.ca/lambtonKingsway

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call me at 416 394 7890.

Monday, June 1, 2009


I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our families a very safe and happy summer. The first day back @ school will be September the 8th.

Here are some important dates to help get you through the last month of school.

Tuesday June 2nd - Dental Screening Cancelled until further notice.

Thursday June 4th - Grade 4-8 Track & Field Day @ York University and Grade One's field
trip to the Zoo.

Friday June 5th - Grade two trip to Harbourfront.

Monday June 8th - Grade 8 Graduation trip, returning Friday the 12th @ 6:00pm.

Wednesday June 10th - City Finals Track & Field @ York University.

Tuesday June 16th - Free the Children Assembly, after morning recess.

Friday June 19th - Middle school dance in the pm.

Wednesday June 24th - Grade 8 Graduation.

Thursday June 25th - Lunch on the lawn and Last Day of School

Here are a few Safety tips to review with your child as we approach summer.

Pedestrian Safety – Safety Tips for Parents. Children under nine should be accompanied by adults or older children when crossing the street. At this age, their judgment and perceptual skills are still immature, yet they often eagerly try to cross streets on their own in order to demonstrate some independence. Teach your children the rules of the road – start when they’re young. Think of it as gradually training your children about safety until all the connections are in place. By the time your child reaches age nine and can act independently, the road safety rules will be second nature. Teach children how to cross the street safely. Teach them to stop (before stepping onto the road), look left, right and left again, and listen for traffic before stepping out into the street. Teach children to wait until the street is clear and to keep looking until they have crossed the street. They should also look the driver in the eye before crossing. Teach children to recognize pedestrian crossing signals but not rely on them. Before crossing, children should also be sure the traffic has stopped. Remind them to continue across if the light changes to “Don’t Walk” while they are in the crosswalk. Teach children to be extra alert when crossing at a corner with no traffic lights. Teach your children to stop at driveways, alleys and areas without curbs and to never run out onto the street. Teach children about the dangers of crossing the street between parked cars or when not at a corner. Children should cross only at corners and pedestrian crosswalks, not diagonally or between parked cars. Teach children to respect the role of the crossing guard and to understand his/her signals. Teach children that wherever possible they should walk on the sidewalk. In areas without sidewalks, teach children to walk as far away from the road as possible, facing approaching traffic (when there is no choice but to walk on the road). Teach children that playing games at railway crossings or around trains can be deadly. Teach children that the only way to cross railway tracks is to use designated railway crossings. Follow the same rules that you want your child to follow. You may want to cut across the street in the middle of the block, but you want your child to learn to cross at the intersection. Be a good role model. Reprinted with the permission of Safe Kids Canada. Visit www.safekidscanada.ca for more safety tips on keeping children safe.

Bicycle Safety. Now that the warmer weather has approached us children will be participating in many outdoor activities like bike riding. The Toronto District School Board and Toronto Public Health want kids to be safe while playing outdoors this summer. Parents and caregivers can "stay a step ahead" by protecting children when they ride. Here's how: 1.An adult should always supervise children 10 years of age or younger when they are using a bicycle or other wheeled sports equipment. Even older children may need on-going supervision when riding near the road. 2.Make sure children wear the correct helmet properly when they ride. Ontario's bike helmet law requires all children and youth under age 18 to wear an approved bike helmet when riding a bicycle. 3. Keep children away from traffic when they use wheeled sports equipment. Make sure they ride in a safe place. 4. Teach children how to: a. steer, brake and ride in a straight line b. wear the right safety gear, and c. do a safety check every time they ride a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, use in-line skates or wear shoes with wheels. 5. Be within arm's reach when your children are learning to ride any wheeled equipment. 6. Always walk a bicycle, scooter or skateboard across a street intersection, instead of riding across. 7. Tell children that you are happy when you see them riding safely. 8. Remind children of the safety rules when they forget. 9. Be a good role model - wear a helmet and safety gear yourself. Children copy what adults do.

TDSB Earth Hour a Success! The numbers are in and the TDSB helped conserve more energy this year than last year's Earth Hour. Last year, the TDSB conserved 22% of our energy consumption during Earth Hour and this year, on Friday, March 27 between 2-3 p.m., the TDSB reduced its electrical consumption by 27.8%. Over the weekend, in recognition of the International Earth Hour, an additional 16.01% was saved. Over the March Break Head Caretakers were asked to reduce lighting where possible and to program vacation schedules in their Building Automation Systems for air handling and boiler equipment. Over this period, the sampling of 29 electrically monitored schools indicated a natural gas savings of 15% and an electrical savings of 31%. Learn more about how schools can continue to decrease consumption by visiting www.ecoscools.ca or visit the LKS Eco link on the right of this page.

Have a fantastic summer! for those families moving on to new schools we wish you well. To everyone else we will see you in September.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

May Flowers

Here are some dates to help you through May.

May 2nd - Spring Fest 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

May 11th - Parent Council 7:30 in the Library

May 13th - Jr Girls Soccer tournament @ Swansea 9:00am - 12noon

May 14th - Sr Boys Soccer Tournament 9:00am -3:30pm

May 19th -Sr Girls Soccer @ Humber Valley in the PM

May 22nd - Sharing Assemblies

May 25th - West Track Meet at York U Grades 2 -8

May 26th - 29th - EQAO

Education Week starts May 4thNominate an Education Week Champion!

Do you know someone who cares about the environment, is a leader, and shows a true passion for being environmentally friendly? Is your school innovative, resourceful, or leading the eco-friendly initiatives of the community? If so, nominate an outstanding student or school today to be an EDUCATION WEEK CHAMPION! Education Week is an annual event celebrated by school boards and schools across the province. It is a time for students, teachers and parents to celebrate teaching excellence and student achievement. It provides an opportunity for the TDSB to highlight the outstanding work of our students and increase public awareness and appreciation for our schools.The Toronto District School Board will be celebrating Education Week from May 4 to May 8, 2009 and we want to acknowledge the work and dedication of our students and staff for living and learning the environmentally friendly way.The TDSB theme for Education Week this year is Greening and Growing at the Toronto District School Board. Staff, students, parents, and community members are invited to nominate a school or student to be an Education Week Champion. These outstanding stories will be highlighted and featured through out the week of May 4 to May 8. If you or someone you know is an Education Week Champion and has achieved environmentally-friendly excellence in one of the categories below, nominate them today!The categories are: Teamwork and Leadership, Conserving Energy and Minimizing Waste, Student Achievement, Sustainable Schools, and Connecting with the Community.The future of our planet depends on the actions of today. Show us all the great people and best practices that have gone in to making the TDSB Canada's greenest school Board. For more information or to make a nomination, visit www.tdsb.on.ca/educationweek

Grade 7 & 8 students who require additional help with reading, writing or math can attend an after-school program designed to help them overcome gaps in their skills and understanding. The Literacy and Numeracy Program offered by the TDSB provides support to thousands of students each year. Classes are small and focused on helping students gain the tools and confidence they need to ensure future success in school and beyond. In The Zone, is the Grade 7 & 8 summer literacy and numeracy program. The program features LOL: Literacy Out Loud, LOL: Literacy Out Loud for English Language Learners, Math In Action, LEAP, English as a Second Language For Students New to Canada and Step On Stage, a drama program in partnership with Soulpepper Theatre Company. Brochures and registration forms are now in schools and the deadline for student registration is May 1, 2009. For more information, visit www.InTheZone.ca or call 416-338-4333.

We want to take this opportunity to bring you up to date on the current situation with respect to swine flu, and on the actions of the TDSB to protect the health and well being of all our students and staff. As reported in the media over the past several days, Federal, Provincial and Municipal public health authorities are reporting that an influenza-like illness has been confirmed in Nova Scotia, British Columbia and Ontario.
The TDSB has a Pandemic Response Plan in place and the Systems Response Team will be meeting to review and make any necessary adjustments and ensure an appropriate state of readiness, should implementation become necessary.TDSB Health and Safety staff is in regular contact with Toronto Public Health.
The TDSB web-site http://tdsbweb/ has been updated to provide information and address questions you may have. New information will be added as it is available.
Information from the City of Toronto, Public Health Unit is also available at www.toronto.ca/health/. This website addresses measures individuals can take to be proactive. We will continue to update you as new information becomes available. Please remember to practice frequent, proper hand washing.

Once again if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me @ 416 394 7890 ex 20011

Friday, April 3, 2009

April Showers

Here is some important information to help you get through the month of April.

April the 6th - Parent Council 7:30pm in the Library

April the 8th- Swim Finals for Jr & Sr @ Riverdale (Results can be found on the LKS sports blog)

April the 10th - 13th Easter Holidays -No School. See You On The 14th

April 29th and 30th School production of The Wizard Of Oz

April 20th -April 24th School Based Earth Week Activities . Parents are encouraged to attend our opening assembly @ 9:00am on the Monday. Please also visit our Eco School Web Site, the web link is on the right of this page.

Here are Ten Tips to help the Earth.

1. Park It Leave your car at home for a day (or a week or a month) and try walking or biking. If work is too far away to walk, take public transit or carpool. One city bus eliminates the emissions of 40 cars. 2. Shut Down Turn off the lights, the computer and the TV when they are not in use. Using only highly efficient and money saving appliances can reduce the electricity consumption of an average household. 3. Where's The Beef? Try eating meat-free at least one day a week. A meat-based diet requires seven times more land than a plant-based diet. Livestock production is responsible for more climate change gasses than all the motor vehicles in the world. 4. Eat It Choose foods produced organically, locally and in season. Support your regional farmers & farming industry. Buying locally and in season is better for the environment than buying foods that have been shipped hundreds of kilometres to your local market. 5. Let It Rot Put a composter in your backyard or use your green bin to reduce household waste. Composting organics has two key benefits: it reduces the amount of waste going to landfills and when added to your garden, helps nourish soil and plants. 6. Don't Be Idle Turn off your car's engine if stopped for more than 10 seconds. If every driver of a light duty vehicle avoided idling by five minutes a day, collectively, we would save 1.8 million litres of fuel per day, almost 4500 tonnes of GHG emissions, and $1.7 million in fuel costs each day (assuming fuel costs are $0.95/L). 7. Keep Your Eye On The Temperature Set your thermostat above room temperature in the summer and below room temperature in the winter. For each degree you adjust, you can save five per cent on your utility bill and one per cent on your energy use. 8. Bright Ideas Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs). A CFL uses only 25 per cent as much energy as an incandescent bulb and lasts 10 times longer. 9. Don't Dump It - Blue Box It! The simple act of recycling has more impact on the environment that the average Canadian thinks. The amount of wood and paper North Americans throw away each year is enough to heat five million homes for 200 years. 10. Tell Someone This is a great opportunity to brag. Tell someone what you're doing to make the world a better place. Support the cause.

2009-2010 School Year Calendar

At the March Board meeting, Trustees approved the 2009-2010 school year calendar. Tuesday, September 8, 2009 will be the first day of school for all students. Wednesday, September 2 and Thursday, September 3 will be Professional Activity (PA) days for staff. The 2009-2010 school year presented a challenge because Labour Day in 2009 is very late, occurring on Monday, September 7. As a result, the TDSB had to find a way to accommodate the minimum 194 school days required by the Ministry of Education between September 8 and June 30, 2010 while maintaining the usual school breaks for PA days, exams, statutory holidays, and March and Winter Breaks. A solution was reached that best meets Ministry directions and community expectations while providing the best options for student learning.

Second Term Report Cards

Second term report cards for all students in grades 1-8 will be sent home between March 27 and April 2. This term’s report cards will continue to communicate your child’s strengths, weaknesses and next steps as it relates to achievement of the curriculum expectations for each subject area as well as their achievement of the learning skills. Junior Kindergarten students are scheduled to receive a summary report at this time. This summary is a means of communicating to parents/guardians a profile of their child’s interests, strengths, development and learning. In addition, teachers may be requesting parent interviews for some students. Parent interviews will occur on the evening of Thursday, April 2nd and on the morning of Friday, April 3rd. Regardless of whether or not an interview has been scheduled to discuss your child’s progress, parents are always welcome and encouraged to request a parent/teacher interview.Page 3 of the report card provides parents/guardians and the student with an opportunity to comment on student achievement, goals and home support. The response form links formal reporting to the process of assessment, reporting and communication about the student’s learning that continues throughout the year.Learning is a partnership and we encourage you to continue to be involved in your child’s education.

Student Attendance and Punctuality

Regular student attendance and punctuality is important in order for students to be successful at school. The Education Act states that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that their children attend school regularly. A student’s academic progress depends on regular class attendance. TDSB elementary schools practice the Safe Arrival Program that requires schools to perform a school-home attendance check. Notify the school when your child will be absent. Students are expected to fully participate in learning opportunities and complete all homework assignments and tests when they are absent so make sure your child is getting homework assignments when they are absent.You can help ensure that your child is in school and on time for classes by:• being involved in your child’s education; • knowing the school’s schedule;• communicating regularly with classroom teachers (use your child’s planner to send notes to the teacher);• calling the school if your child is going to be absent;• writing a note if your child is late due to an appointment; • ensuring that your child gets a good night’s sleep so that they have the energy they need for the next day

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me @ 416 394 7890 ex 20011.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Welcome to March

Here is some important information to help you get through the month of March.

March Break is from March 16th - 20th Inclusive ( No School) have a safe and enjoyable break. See you back @ school on the 23rd of March.

Here are the remaining dates for our swim team

Wed March the 4th
Mon March the 9th
Wed March the 11th ( Final Selection of Swimmers)
Swim sheet's will be posted before March Break
Mon March the 23rd
Wed March the 25th
Thurs March the 26th

Swim meet dates - Juniors (AM) March 30th @ Harbord
Swim meet dates - Seniors (PM) March 31st @ Harbord

Second Term Report Cards Second term report cards for all students in grades 1-8 will be sent home between March 27 and April 2. This term’s report cards will continue to communicate your child’s strengths, weaknesses and next steps as it relates to achievement of the curriculum expectations for each subject area as well as their achievement of the learning skills. Junior Kindergarten students are scheduled to receive a summary report at this time. This summary is a means of communicating to parents/guardians a profile of their child’s interests, strengths, development and learning. In addition, teachers may be requesting parent interviews for some students. Parent interviews will occur on the evening of Thursday, April 2nd and on the morning of Friday, April 3rd. Regardless of whether or not an interview has been scheduled to discuss your child’s progress, parents are always welcome and encouraged to request a parent/teacher interview.Page 3 of the report card provides parents/guardians and the student with an opportunity to comment on student achievement, goals and home support. The response form links formal reporting to the process of assessment, reporting and communication about the student’s learning that continues throughout the year.Learning is a partnership and we encourage you to continue to be involved in your child’s education.

LKS doing our environmental duty.

Doing our Part for for Earth Hour Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on climate change. Each school and office in the TDSB is challenged to be electricity-free for JUST ONE HOUR on Friday, March 27 from 2 – 3 p.m. in preparation for the official Earth Hour on Saturday, March 28. Each school and office will make their own plan for Earth Hour. Our school will participate by turning off lights, coffee makers, heaters, computer monitors, and even electric pencil sharpeners!

For more school environmental issues please visit our Eco School site accessible through the link on the right hand side of this page.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me @ 416 394 7890 ex 20011.

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 09

Welcome to February. We just about managed to get through the cold and snow of January.

Here is some important information that should help to get us through February.

There will be no classes on Monday, February 16, 2009 to reflect the new province-wide statutory holiday called Family Day. The newly created holiday will occur on the third Monday in February of each year for the purpose of emphasizing and celebrating the importance of families taking time to be together. Because teachers are involved in professional learning on February 13 for the Board-wide Professional Activity Day, students will not be attending school on Friday, February 13 and Monday, February 16 which is the statutory holiday - Family Day.Visit the TDSB public web site at www.tdsb.on.ca to view the 2008-2009 school year calendar.

For Board weather-related issues please view my January post.

JK/SK Registration will take place at LKS on both the 11th and 12th of Feb between 8:30 and 4:30pm. For your convenience we will be staying late on the 11th until 8:00pm.

February is the system-wide Kindergarten Registration month at the TDSB, and it's just around the corner. To attend Junior Kindergarten in September, children must turn four by December 31 of that year. To attend Senior Kindergarten in September, children must turn five by December 31 of that year.To register, visit your local school and bring the following information about your child: 1. age (a birth certificate or baptismal record or passport)2. citizenship (a birth certificate, passport, or Record of Landing)3. address (Three pieces of identification that show your address, such as your telephone bill, driver's licence, bank statement, income tax form, rental or lease agreement)4. immunization (the card that shows a list of needles your child has received)The Welcome to Kindergarten booklet, Starting Kindergarten fact sheets and Frequently-Asked Questions about Kindergarten fact sheets will be available. For more information about Kindergarten Registration, or to find the school nearest you, visit www.tdsb.on.ca/kindergarten. Start your children in Kindergarten at LKS public school and watch them achieve great things!

As Always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 416 394 7890 Ex 20011.

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year

Happy New Year to all our Families .

FYI- A few things/dates to help you through January

Jan 6th - Jr Hockey game 12 Noon at George Bell
Jan 8th- Sr Hockey game 8:00am at George Bell
Jan 12th - Scientist in the school for grade 1/2 and 4/5
Jan 14th- Jr Hockey game 12 Noon at George Bell
Jan 16th - Sr Hockey Game 8:00 am at George Bell
Jan 22nd - Jr Hockey game 12 Noon at George Bell

In the month of January teachers from all grades are going to be engaged in both Math and Language PD sessions.

Recess During Cold Weather.Elementary school students are kept indoors for recess and lunch times for a number of weather conditions such as rain, lightening in the area, extreme winds and extreme cold. When temperature and wind chill measure -28C or lower, students are kept indoors. Recesses and lunch hour may be shortened if the temperature and wind chill reading is between -28C and -20C.If a student’s medical condition requires further consideration due to weather conditions, or if parents have other questions or concerns about how and when weather conditions affect your child’s school day at LKS, please contact the school office.

Kindergarten Registration for September 2009. February is the system-wide Kindergarten Registration month at the TDSB, and it's just around the corner. To attend Junior Kindergarten in September, children must turn four by December 31 of that year. To attend Senior Kindergarten in September, children must turn five by December 31 of that year.To register, visit the school office and bring the following information about your child: 1. age (a birth certificate or baptismal record or passport)2. citizenship (a birth certificate, passport, or Record of Landing)3. address (three pieces of identification that show your address, such as your telephone bill, driver's licence, bank statement, income tax form, rental or lease agreement)4. immunization (the card that shows a list of needles your child has received)The Welcome to Kindergarten booklet, Starting Kindergarten fact sheets and Frequently-Asked Questions about Kindergarten fact sheets will be available in January. Translations of these materials in the official languages of the TDSB will be available online only in late January. For more information about Kindergarten Registration, visit www.tdsb.on.ca/kindergarten. Start your children in Kindergarten at LKS and watch them achieve great things.

Once again if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 416 394 7890 Ex 20011

About Me

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Vice Principal of Second Street Junior Middle School.