Monday, June 1, 2009


I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our families a very safe and happy summer. The first day back @ school will be September the 8th.

Here are some important dates to help get you through the last month of school.

Tuesday June 2nd - Dental Screening Cancelled until further notice.

Thursday June 4th - Grade 4-8 Track & Field Day @ York University and Grade One's field
trip to the Zoo.

Friday June 5th - Grade two trip to Harbourfront.

Monday June 8th - Grade 8 Graduation trip, returning Friday the 12th @ 6:00pm.

Wednesday June 10th - City Finals Track & Field @ York University.

Tuesday June 16th - Free the Children Assembly, after morning recess.

Friday June 19th - Middle school dance in the pm.

Wednesday June 24th - Grade 8 Graduation.

Thursday June 25th - Lunch on the lawn and Last Day of School

Here are a few Safety tips to review with your child as we approach summer.

Pedestrian Safety – Safety Tips for Parents. Children under nine should be accompanied by adults or older children when crossing the street. At this age, their judgment and perceptual skills are still immature, yet they often eagerly try to cross streets on their own in order to demonstrate some independence. Teach your children the rules of the road – start when they’re young. Think of it as gradually training your children about safety until all the connections are in place. By the time your child reaches age nine and can act independently, the road safety rules will be second nature. Teach children how to cross the street safely. Teach them to stop (before stepping onto the road), look left, right and left again, and listen for traffic before stepping out into the street. Teach children to wait until the street is clear and to keep looking until they have crossed the street. They should also look the driver in the eye before crossing. Teach children to recognize pedestrian crossing signals but not rely on them. Before crossing, children should also be sure the traffic has stopped. Remind them to continue across if the light changes to “Don’t Walk” while they are in the crosswalk. Teach children to be extra alert when crossing at a corner with no traffic lights. Teach your children to stop at driveways, alleys and areas without curbs and to never run out onto the street. Teach children about the dangers of crossing the street between parked cars or when not at a corner. Children should cross only at corners and pedestrian crosswalks, not diagonally or between parked cars. Teach children to respect the role of the crossing guard and to understand his/her signals. Teach children that wherever possible they should walk on the sidewalk. In areas without sidewalks, teach children to walk as far away from the road as possible, facing approaching traffic (when there is no choice but to walk on the road). Teach children that playing games at railway crossings or around trains can be deadly. Teach children that the only way to cross railway tracks is to use designated railway crossings. Follow the same rules that you want your child to follow. You may want to cut across the street in the middle of the block, but you want your child to learn to cross at the intersection. Be a good role model. Reprinted with the permission of Safe Kids Canada. Visit for more safety tips on keeping children safe.

Bicycle Safety. Now that the warmer weather has approached us children will be participating in many outdoor activities like bike riding. The Toronto District School Board and Toronto Public Health want kids to be safe while playing outdoors this summer. Parents and caregivers can "stay a step ahead" by protecting children when they ride. Here's how: 1.An adult should always supervise children 10 years of age or younger when they are using a bicycle or other wheeled sports equipment. Even older children may need on-going supervision when riding near the road. 2.Make sure children wear the correct helmet properly when they ride. Ontario's bike helmet law requires all children and youth under age 18 to wear an approved bike helmet when riding a bicycle. 3. Keep children away from traffic when they use wheeled sports equipment. Make sure they ride in a safe place. 4. Teach children how to: a. steer, brake and ride in a straight line b. wear the right safety gear, and c. do a safety check every time they ride a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, use in-line skates or wear shoes with wheels. 5. Be within arm's reach when your children are learning to ride any wheeled equipment. 6. Always walk a bicycle, scooter or skateboard across a street intersection, instead of riding across. 7. Tell children that you are happy when you see them riding safely. 8. Remind children of the safety rules when they forget. 9. Be a good role model - wear a helmet and safety gear yourself. Children copy what adults do.

TDSB Earth Hour a Success! The numbers are in and the TDSB helped conserve more energy this year than last year's Earth Hour. Last year, the TDSB conserved 22% of our energy consumption during Earth Hour and this year, on Friday, March 27 between 2-3 p.m., the TDSB reduced its electrical consumption by 27.8%. Over the weekend, in recognition of the International Earth Hour, an additional 16.01% was saved. Over the March Break Head Caretakers were asked to reduce lighting where possible and to program vacation schedules in their Building Automation Systems for air handling and boiler equipment. Over this period, the sampling of 29 electrically monitored schools indicated a natural gas savings of 15% and an electrical savings of 31%. Learn more about how schools can continue to decrease consumption by visiting or visit the LKS Eco link on the right of this page.

Have a fantastic summer! for those families moving on to new schools we wish you well. To everyone else we will see you in September.

About Me

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Vice Principal of Second Street Junior Middle School.