Thursday, October 1, 2009


Here are a few important dates to help you get through the month of October.

Oct 1st - Terry Fox Walk - Meet in the gym @ 1:oopm

Oct 2nd - Grade 8s on field trip - And Sr girls Softball

Oct 6th - X country meet(@ Centennial Pk) and grade 8 parent night in the Library(7:00pm)

Oct 7th -9th - Grade 7s on there Outdoor Education Trip and Jr boys football tournament @ John English

Oct 12th - Happy Thanksgiving to all our families ( No School)

Oct 13th - Cross country Meet@ Centennial park

Oct 19th - Parent Council meeting @ 7:00pm in the Library

Oct 21st - Author Visit (Eric Walters) in the library all day (Grade 2-8)

Oct 22nd - Cross Country Finals @ Centennial Park

Oct 26th - School photo orders due back

Oct 27th - Sharing Assemblies (see your specific teacher for time & location)

Oct 28th - Grade 8 High School Night

Oct 30th - Halloween Parade @ 9:00am

Here is a little more Information that you may find useful.

If you have any used books (JK - Grade 8) or winter clothing that you're clearing from your home, please consider donating them -- the LKS Literacy and Community Outreach Committees are collecting them for our sister school, 20th Street (some books will go to LKS). Used books and clothing may be dropped off in collection bags / bins by the south-west stairs until November 6th.

Many thanks!

Best regards, Lisa Li ( LKS Parent)

Visit the school web site for contest information about Bob our Crossing Guard(see notices)

Hallowe'en Safety Tips.

Hallowe'en provides an opportunity for parents and children to spend time together creating costumes, carving pumpkins, planning trick or treat activities and participating in family parties. Hallowe'en is a big event at schools and provides opportunities for parties, creative activities, art programs and impromptu history lessons. Hallowe'en is also a time for students, parents, and schools to take extra care to ensure safety and security. TRICK OR TREAT SAFETY If parents are concerned about trick or treating, here are some basic safety rules to follow:· Have your child carry a flashlight. · NEVER go into a stranger's house.· NEVER trick or treat with people you do not know.· Trick or treat only at homes you know. · Children should always stay in groups if no parent is present.· Younger children should ALWAYS be accompanied by an older person.· Accompany your child when trick or treating.· If you can not accompany your child then know the route your child will take.· Flame resistant (retardant) costumes are in order. Keep costumes short and remind children to stay away from pumpkins with candles in them. · Remind children to stay away from pets they do not know. · Remind children of road safety rules. Cross only at corners. Do not criss-cross the road. Go up one side of the road and down the other side. Never cross between parked cars. Walk facing on-coming traffic if there is no sidewalk· If adults are driving their children, drive slowly, with lights on and be cautious when pulling to the side of the road. · Children should NEVER eat any treats until parents have had a chance to go through them and inspect them. Parents should look for tampering of packages and discard any they believe to be unsafe. · Children should wear their own shoes when trick or treating. Wearing costume shoes/boots can be dangerous and uncomfortable. · Remind children that not everyone celebrates Hallowe'en, and to avoid any homes that have no lights on. Also remind children not to run through neighbours yards or gardens. · With older children be sure to know what other events (such as parties) they plan on attending.· Set time limits when children should return home.

Stay Fire Smart! Don't Get Burned.

October 4 to 10 is Fire Prevention Week. In 2008, 17 people were killed in Toronto Fires. Cooking fires is the number one cause of home fires and home fire injuries. Other leading causes of home fires are heating, electrical, and smoking materials. Children under five years and older adults face the highest risk of home fire death, but young adults face a higher risk of home fire injury. Fire safety education begins in the home and this year's theme emphasizes that message. Parents are encouraged to discuss the importance of fire prevention in the home with children. Students in Toronto elementary schools will be learning about home fire escape planning. Throughout the month of October, students will take their plan home and are encouraged to practice it with their families. Toronto Fire Services will be stepping up their ongoing Fire Prevention & Public Education activities. On Sunday, October 4, visit the Open House event at the Toronto Fire & EMS Training Centre, 895 Eastern Avenue, from 10 am to 4 pm. Families are welcome to join in the mini combat challenge event for children, junior firefighter photos, view fire safety videos, live firefighting demonstrations, fire truck display, bouncing inflatable fire truck, enjoy BBQ, and much more! All members of the public are invited to attend the week long schedule of outdoor educational events: - Tuesday, October 6th North Command Training Centre at 200 Bermondsey Road- Wednesday October 7thEast Command Training Centre at 243 Sheppard Avenue East- Thursday October 8thWest Command Training Centre at 947 Martingrove Road For more information, call Toronto Fire Services at 416-338-9185 or visit with permission from Toronto Fire Services.

Once again if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to give me a call
416 - 394 -7890 ex 20011.

About Me

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Vice Principal of Second Street Junior Middle School.