Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Welcome to the holiday period. Here are a few dates to help you through the month of December.

Dec 1st to 4th - LKS Book Fair

Dec 7th - City Hall Field Trip (Ms. Walker & Ms. Iafrate) Jr Hockey Tryouts @ Canlan Ice Sports 7/8 am

Dec 8th - Grade 1 -5 Christmas Concert @ 6:30pm

Dec 9th - Grade 6-8 Christmas Concert @ 7:00pm

Dec 10th - Author Visit Grade 3-8 In The Library

Dec 11th - Athletic Assembly @ 9:00am In The Gym, Grade Sixes To The Movies,Sr Boys Hockey Tryout @ Canlan Sports 7-8 am

Dec 14th - Jk/Sk Concert 6:00pm and Parent Council @7:00pm. Carol Singing @9:00am in The Gym(All Welcome) Hockey Tryout Jr @ Canlan Sports 7-8 am

Dec 16th - Middle School Dance 1-3pm

Dec 17th - Grade 8 Trip in the PM To The Play - What I Did Last Summer.
Sr Hockey Tryout @ Canlan Ice Sports 7/8 am

Dec 18th - Carolling @ 1:15pm in the Gym

Successful Parent-Teacher Interviews.

As parent teacher interviews are upon us, we encourage you to take this opportunity to find out about your child's progress. Below are some questions and tips that you may find useful for the interview. Interpreters are available. Please contact your child's teacher or indicate your requirements on the parent-teacher interview form.Great Questions to Ask- What skills does my child need to work on? - What activities can we do at home to strengthen those skills? - Does my child complete his/her work and assignments efficiently and conscientiously? - Is my child facing any struggles in class not related to her/his schoolwork? Interview Tips- Talk to your child about school before the interview. Ask how they think they are doing and how the teacher can help them meet their goals. - Get an idea of what the curriculum is like, the level your child is working at, and areas where they are struggling. - Make a list of what you want to know before you go into the interview. You can even prepare questions ahead of time if it will make you feel more at ease. Knowing what you want to know and writing it down ensures that you don't forget anything, and that you get the information you need. - Be open and honest. Feel free to add your own observations around your child's behaviour, strengths and weaknesses. - Find out what they're learning. Ask curriculum questions, find out what your child has learned and what is coming up in the term ahead. Know the skills your child will need to be successful in the term ahead (i.e. knowing how to multiply and divide fractions). - Ask about strengths and weaknesses and possible problems. Find out about problems before they happen. This information will allow students to get help before they fall behind. - Find out how often and how much homework is being assigned as it relates to the TDSB's Homework Policy. Also ask if your child is completing his/her homework regularly, how long the work assigned should take to complete and does the teacher check the homework regularly and provide feedback. The answers to these questions will help you better monitor your child's work habits. - Ask what you can do at home to help your child. Make a commitment to support your child's learning.

Cancellation of school Bus Service During Severe Weather.

Severe weather conditions may require the TDSB to cancel transportation or, in extreme conditions, close schools. The decision to close schools is made by the director of education. In the event transportation is cancelled or schools are closed, the local media will be informed before the beginning of the school day. Tune in to your radio and television news stations for the latest information.If weather conditions become extreme after students are in school, elementary students will remain in the school until they are picked up by a parent or parent designate.

Happy Holidays to all our Families ! If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 416 394 7890 ex 20011

About Me

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Vice Principal of Second Street Junior Middle School.