Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Time

Welcome to the holiday period. Here are a few dates to help you through the month of December.

FYI -Cancellation of Buses During Severe Weather conditions may require the TDSB to cancel transportation or, in extreme conditions, close schools. The decision to close schools is made by the director of education. In the event transportation is cancelled or schools are closed, the local media will be informed before the beginning of the school day. Tune in to your radio and television news stations for the latest information.If weather conditions become extreme after students are in school, elementary students will remain in the school until they are picked up by a parent or parent designate.

December 1st - Reports go home

December 2nd - Grade 8 Reviews

December 3rd - A Christmas Carol ( shows at 9:30 and 1:00 pm)

December 5th - PA Day ( No School)

December 8th - Parent Council meeting 7:00pm in the Library

December 9th - Grade 8 Female HPV second shots and 1-3 Christmas Concert at 6:00pm

December 10th - Christmas Concert 4-8 at 6:30pm

December 12th - Athletic Assembly @ 2:40 pm

Dec 16th - JK/SK concert @ 6:00pm

Dec 19th - Morning Carols @ 9:00 am

Happy Holidays to all our Families ! If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 416 394 7890 ex 20011

About Me

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Vice Principal of Second Street Junior Middle School.