Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Time

Welcome to the holiday period. Here are a few dates to help you through the month of December.

FYI -Cancellation of Buses During Severe Weather conditions may require the TDSB to cancel transportation or, in extreme conditions, close schools. The decision to close schools is made by the director of education. In the event transportation is cancelled or schools are closed, the local media will be informed before the beginning of the school day. Tune in to your radio and television news stations for the latest information.If weather conditions become extreme after students are in school, elementary students will remain in the school until they are picked up by a parent or parent designate.

December 1st - Reports go home

December 2nd - Grade 8 Reviews

December 3rd - A Christmas Carol ( shows at 9:30 and 1:00 pm)

December 5th - PA Day ( No School)

December 8th - Parent Council meeting 7:00pm in the Library

December 9th - Grade 8 Female HPV second shots and 1-3 Christmas Concert at 6:00pm

December 10th - Christmas Concert 4-8 at 6:30pm

December 12th - Athletic Assembly @ 2:40 pm

Dec 16th - JK/SK concert @ 6:00pm

Dec 19th - Morning Carols @ 9:00 am

Happy Holidays to all our Families ! If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 416 394 7890 ex 20011

Monday, November 3, 2008

November News

Here are a few important dates to help get you through November.

Nov 5th - Parent council fun night. 6:30 pm Dinner, 7:00 pm Family Fun

Nov 7th - Pizza Lunch and Pajama Day

Nov 10th- Parent Council meeting in the Library(7:30pm)

Nov 11th- Remembrance Day.If you Plan to attend please be in the gym by 10:30am

Nov 12th- Photo Retake day 1:00 pm - 3:00pm and Grade 8 High School Info Night
7:00pm in the Gym

Nov 21st - Sharing Assemblies

Nov 25th- Grade Three EQAO Presentation( 6-7 pm in the library)

Nov 26th- Nearly Lear Presentation for Grades 6,7 and 8 in the gym

Nov 27th - Author Visit for the Grade 1 and 2

FYI - As the weather begins to change we will start to providing the grade 7 and 8s with tables
in the lunchroom

FYI - Cold Weather at Lunch and Recess!

Making the Best of Winter Weather. School Principals are often asked how we decide whether it’s too cold to allow our students out in the schoolyard for recess. Fresh air and exercise are important for children. It keeps them physically fit, and helps them stay alert all through the school day. Parents can help by making sure their children come to school prepared to spend time outdoors. Hats, mitts, boots and a warm jacket are important to keep students comfortable during lunch and recess.But extreme cold can be dangerous, and parents want to know that their children will be safe. When the temperature is predicted to drop below -15C, the City of Toronto may declare a cold weather alert. Schools are very sensitive to the needs of our students and pay close attention to the weather, especially when the windchill is below -20 C.The TDSB Severe Weather Protocol is flexible, so that every principal can make a decision that meets the needs of his or her school. It sets guidelines for when to allow students outside for recess, when to make out-door breaks shorter, and when to keep students inside altogether. Canadian winters can be wonderful but when the weather is cold, school staff keep one eye on the thermometer and the other on the needs of our students – a perfect balance of fun and safety. Find out more at

Once again if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me @ 416 394 7890 ex 20011

Friday, September 5, 2008

October News

Here are a few important dates to help you through October.

Oct 1st - Is the schools Terry Fox walk please join us if you can ( 1:00pm in the Gym)

Oct 7th - Is the Cross Country meet for Grades 1-8 at Centennial Park( races start at 9:00 am)

Oct 15th - Is the west Cross Country Finals also at Centennial

Oct 16th - Are the School Bus Safety Presentations for Grades 1-3 ( schedule will be in your child's classroom)

Oct 17th - Once again we start our Sharing Assemblies , check on staff blogs for Information or ask in the classroom for start times

Oct 20th - Is the first of our Immunization days for grade 7 &8 students, also on the 20th is Parent Council ( all welcome) in the library at 7:30pm

Oct 22nd - City Finals for Cross Country

Oct 28th - Grade 3&4 will be listening to a storyteller ( Bob Barton) in the Morning

Oct 31st - Halloween

FYI - Dear Parents/Guardians, we are having a few Safety problems in the school yard before and after school. The rule is NO Skateboards, Bikes, Scooters or Rollerblades to be ridden on school property(during the school day). Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Hallowe'en Safety Tips. Hallowe'en provides an opportunity for parents and children to spend time together creating costumes, carving pumpkins, planning trick or treat activities and participating in family parties.

Hallowe'en is a big event at schools and provides opportunities for parties, creative activities, art programs and impromptu history lessons. Hallowe'en is also a time for students, parents, and schools to take extra care to ensure safety and security. TRICK OR TREAT SAFETY If parents are concerned about trick or treating, here are some basic safety rules to follow.

Have your child carry a flashlight. · NEVER go into a stranger's house. NEVER trick or treat with people you do not know.Trick or treat only at homes you know. Children should always stay in groups if no parent is present. Younger children should ALWAYS be accompanied by an older person. Accompany your child when trick or treating. If you can not accompany your child then know the route your child will take.

Flame resistant (retardant) costumes are in order. Keep costumes short and remind children to stay away from pumpkins with candles in them. Remind children to stay away from pets they do not know. · Remind children of road safety rules. Cross only at corners. Do not criss-cross the road. Go up one side of the road and down the other side. Never cross between parked cars. Walk facing on-coming traffic if there is no sidewalk·

If adults are driving their children, drive slowly, with lights on and be cautious when pulling to the side of the road. · Children should NEVER eat any treats until parents have had a chance to go through them and inspect them. Parents should look for tampering of packages and discard any they believe to be unsafe.

Children should wear their own shoes when trick or treating. Wearing costume shoes/boots can be dangerous and uncomfortable. Remind children that not everyone celebrates Hallowe'en, and to avoid any homes that have no lights on. Also remind children not to run through neighbours yards or gardens.

With older children be sure to know what other events (such as parties) they plan on attending. Set time limits when children should return home.

As Always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 416 394 7890 ext 20011.

Friday, June 13, 2008

End of Year

Thank you to everyone at LKS and in the parent community for making my first year at Lambton Kingsway special . I hope you all have a long safe and happy summer. See you all in September.

About Me

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Vice Principal of Second Street Junior Middle School.